Steroid cycle for beach body

-2% Steroid cycle for beach body

Total for the entire treatment you need:

2 packs of Stanozolol

2 packs Oxandrolone

3 Packs testosterone propionate

2 Packs Drostanolon propionate

2 Packs trenbolone acetate

6 Packs Proviron

1 pack of clomiphene

2 Packs Pregnyl

This is a great cure for hard muscle mass. These drugs allow not the water retention and does not aromatize and therefore the possibility for Gynecomastia falls. Proviron strengthens the effect of testosterone propionate and support spermatogenesis.

At this treatment it is necessary obligatory Karsil through all 16 week take - 1 tablet in the morning and evening

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  • Cod produs: Definition und harte Muskelmasse
  • Disponibilitate: În Stoc
  • 905,00€
  • 885,00€

Etichete: stacks, definition, und, harte, muskelmasse

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