Hexabol (Trenbolone) - 10amps (76mg/ml)
HEXABOL (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) - 10amp x 76mg/ml
Chemical Name: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Manufacturer: Omega Meds
Steroid Type: Injectable
Package Contains: 10amp x 76mg/ml
HEXABOL (Parabolan)is used only by experienced users because it is a very powerful and tough product. Its main effect is to produce harder, denser, and stronger muscles, making it a very popular product for athletes.
HEXABOL (Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate = Parabolan) is a fast-acting product that provides harder, denser, and stronger muscles without water retention, as well as a very dry and ripped physique. This is a product for muscle mass gaining cycle !With the use of this product you will get:
A very significant increase in muscle mass.
An impressive increase in strength.
As part of a cycle to increase mass, this product combines very well with Testosterone, Boldenone, Nandrolone or Masteron or with tablets of Turinabol or Dianabol and for an increase in strength, you can also combine it with Anavar.
For a lean mass cycle, this product combines very well with Winstrol, Primabolan, Clenbuterol or Cytomel.
This product should be taken for a minimum of 8 weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks.
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